We are a pack mule of our genes

Our genetic makeup influences our behavior and drives us to spread our genes. Working together with others can serve our genetic self-interest.

Humans, like many other social animals, have evolved to live in groups and exhibit cooperative behavior. Collaboration can yield several benefits, such as increased survival rates, better access to resources, and increased reproductive success. By working together with others, individuals can protect themselves, find food, raise offspring and deal more effectively with the challenges of the environment.

From an evolutionary standpoint, behavior that promotes cooperation may be beneficial because it increases the survival and reproductive prospects of individuals carrying these genes. In that sense, there may be a genetic predisposition to cooperative behavior.

Human behavior is therefore not only determined by genetic factors. Our capacity for complex reasoning, cultural influences, personal experiences and social dynamics also shape our behavior and motivations. While genetic predispositions can form a basis for cooperative tendencies, they are not the only determining factor.

Human societies are characterized by diverse forms of cooperation, ranging from cooperation based on kinship to cooperation between unrelated individuals. Factors such as cultural norms, social institutions and shared values also play an important role in promoting and shaping cooperative behavior.